Monday, November 26, 2007

The first post- help! Recipes for allergic classes!

This is an email I received today. I also am at a loss. Hopefully someone can help!

Any ideas for cooking for a class containing all of the following allergies? - peanuts, peanut butter, shellfish, wheat, eggs, beef, chicken, dairy, soy, corn, and pork? Unless I go vegan, but that will be extremely expensive. And wheat and corn are both out, so that eliminates 99% of bread, crackers, etc. And how many different ways can you spin "salad" to first graders if you can't glue anything together since peanut butter, frosting, and cream cheese are all out? Except for the peanuts and pork, all of those allergies are one student - Is it okay to just give him something else? Would appreciate your input, or anyone else's. I hate for kids to feel left out, but I'm kind of at a loss here.


Kristin said...

My experience with super allergic kids is that their families are generally good at helping them to understand that they simply cannot have what other kids can. Amazingly, all the allergy kids I have encountered take this pretty well. So long as the child can help make the food in some way, I don't see anything wrong with giving a different snack to that child- and it should be provided by the family, you don't want to be responsible for accidentally giving the child the wrong food. As for peanut butter, I don't use it at all. I think too many kids are allergic and I don't want to take a chance. If it is necessary, I use soy butter. Hope this helps!

astulabee/nicole said...

hey jackie! I've done tasting parties...for example green! tasting limes, chives, wasabi peas, celery,grapes um...anything the teachers and i become servers and we use toothpicks et all. really silly and fun and we fill in papers that describe what each food looks like, predictions of what it is/might taste like, then describe what it does taste like. because they each get tastes its pretty economical (and adaptable) but still it's food!