Monday, November 26, 2007

Hey y'ALLL!

Welcome! Finally, what you've ALLL been waiting for!

As times goes on, this will probably take on many forms, but for now, it seems pretty urgent that we have a forum for...

-Best lessons
-Trouble shooting (i.e. cooking recipes for classes with every allergy under the sun; which is better: bingo boards or sight word cards and how do you use each?)
-Book of the week
-Funny stories for encouragement
-Great songs
-Helpful websites
-Car pooling to Materials for the Arts, Costco, etc.
-Sharing materials

These are just a few things for which we may use this blog. Answers can be given via the comments field. Hopefully this will stay a positive, useful resource for ALLL (ha! had to throw it in one more time).

Thanks for your input everyone!

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